Beyond providing clients with greater financial control of day-to-day activities and protection for their valuable assets, the Navitance team works collaboratively with our clients’ professional advisors – including CPAs, wealth advisors and tax attorneys – to share knowledge and experience, and help clients make more informed decisions.
Our accounting professionals’ scope of experience enables us to quickly understand unique organizational and financial issues and make a positive impact when it matters most.
Meet the Navitance team:

Jaime Abeel
Staff Accountant
Jaime Abeel is a staff accountant at Navitance who handles bookkeeping, payroll, and controller functions for a variety of for-profit, nonprofit, and high-net-worth individual clients. She earned an Associate of Arts, Accounting from Lake Washington Technical College, an Associate of Applied Science, Accounting from Pikes Peak Community College, and a Bachelor of Science, Forensic Accounting from Franklin University. During her 17+ year career, Jaime has become an expert in all versions of QuickBooks, including desktop and QuickBooks Online, as well as third-party QuickBooks applications, such as BILL, Hubdoc, Expensify and more. She is a QuickBooks ProAdvisor and an adjunct professor in Accounting and QuickBooks at Pikes Peak Community College.

Judith Chavis
Staff Accountant
Judith Chavis is a staff accountant at Navitance who handles bookkeeping, payroll, and controller functions for a variety of for-profit, nonprofit, and high-net-worth individual clients. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in business management and accounting from the University of Central Florida. During her 19+ year career, Judy has become an expert in all versions of QuickBooks, including desktop and QuickBooks Online, as well as third-party QuickBooks applications, such as BILL, Hubdoc, Expensify and more. She has been a QuickBooks ProAdvisor since 2006.

Kevin Comerford, CPA
Kevin has a rich history spanning more than 30 years as a founding member of several successful companies and as the senior financial executive of many other successful companies that were in various stages of development. He is an expert in finance and accounting systems, fundraising, executing IPOs, setting financial strategy, and executing strategic exits. Prior to joining Navitance, he was the CFO at Abpro Labs, the New England Managing Partner of Tatum, CFO of New England Research Institute, founding partner of Momentum Equity Partners, Chief Financial Officer, and executive vice president of administration at Breakaway Solutions, co-founder of Boston Sales Automation, and CFO at AB Munters, Moisture Control Division and Bruel & Kjar.
Kevin earned his CPA designation at EY and currently sits on several boards as a Director or Advisor.
Melanie Perley
Senior Staff Accountant
Melanie Perley is a senior staff accountant at Navitance who handles bookkeeping and controller functions for a variety of for-profit, nonprofit, and high-net-worth individual clients. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree with a concentration in accounting from University of Phoenix, an Associate of Art in accounting from the Axia College of the University of Phoenix, and a bookkeeping certificate from North Shore Community College. During her 20+ year career, Melanie has become an expert in all versions of QuickBooks, including desktop and QuickBooks Online, as well as third-party QuickBooks applications, such as Bill.com, Hubdoc.com, eBillity.com, and more. She is highly skilled in job costing in QuickBooks having worked for a construction company for nine years.